The most dangerous prediction about the effects of Greenhouse Gases on Bangladesh is mentioned bellow:
"In the absence of effort to cut greenhouse gas emission, sea level will rise between 10 to 30 cm by the year 2930 and by 30 to 100 cm by the end of the next century."[1]
" The low lying developing countries are most vulnerable to such threats of which Bangladesh would be among the worst victims. The average height of the country is estimated to be only 7.6 meters above the sea level. A three feet rise in sea level would inundate 11 percent of the country's land area."[2]
In 1992, the "Earth Summit" at Rio de janeiro , Brazil, enlisted the countries who will be victim of global warming under the consideration of their gradual risk where Bangladesh was in the highest risk countries.
Possible impacts on Bangladesh :
The potential impacts of climate change on key sectors in Bangladesh is following--
Sea level rise :
The biggest problem for Bangladesh is the rising sea level and in consequences saltiness will cover more ares of land.
Impact on water resources :
water related impacts of climate change will likely be the most critical for Bangladesh largely related to coastal and reverie flooding.
Impact on ecosystem :
one of the likely adverse impacts of climate change is the loss of the Sundarbans which are the coastal mangroves that stradle the coasts of western Bangladesh and neighboring India. A 45 cm sea level rise would inundate 75% of the Sundarbans , and 67 cm sea level rise could inundate all of the system.
Damages of coastal dams :
At present, There are 58 polder dams in the coastal areas. For rising sea level, these dams will be damaged and useless.
Impact on agriculture :
With over 35% of Bangladeshis suffering from malnourishment, the threat of increased hunger from reduction in agricultural production would suggest the inclusion of agriculture as one of the major vulnerabilities facing the country.
Droughts & floods :
Ironically, changes in the climate due to excess greenhouse gases are causing both increased drought and increased flooding.
our duties to cope with the changes
References :
1.UNCR, Environment and social dimension of development and management, research report series, japan 1994.
2.Environment and development in Bangladesh, Rahman,A,A, Bangladesh center for advanced studies, Dhaka 1990.
3.Development and climate change in Bangladesh
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