What is women's empowerment?
Women's empowerment has five components: women's sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally. more....
Lisa Whatley Says---
Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities.
Empowerment is probably the totality of the following or similar capabilities:
* Having decision-making power of their own
* Having access to information and resources for taking proper decision
* Having a range of options from which you can make choices (not just yes/no, either/or.)
* Ability to exercise assertiveness in collective decision making
* Having positive thinking on the ability to make change
* Ability to learn skills for improving one's personal or group power.
* Ability to change others’ perceptions by democratic means.
* Involving in the growth process and changes that is never ending and self-initiated
* Increasing one's positive self-image and overcoming stigma . more.....
The areas of Women' Empowerment:
Returning to the definition, we can find out the following areas of women'empowerment:
#Having decision-making power:
Clients of mental health programs are often assumed by professionals to lack the ability to make decisions, or to make "correct" decisions. Therefore, many programs assume the paternalistic stance of limiting the number or quality of decisions their clients may make. Clients may be able to decide on the dinner menu, for example, but not on the overall course of their treatment. Yet, without practice in making decisions, clients are maintained in long-term dependency relationships. No one can become independent unless he or she is given the opportunity to make important decisions about his or her life.
#Having access to information and resources:
Decision making shouldn't happen in a vacuum. Decisions are best made when the individual has sufficient information to weigh the possible consequences of various choices. Again, out of paternalism, many mental health professionals restrict such information, believing restriction to be in the client's "best interest." This can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, since, lacking adequate information, clients may make impulsive choices that confirm professionals' beliefs in their inadequacy.
#Having a range of options from which to make choices:
Meaningful choice is not merely a matter of "hamburgers of hot dogs" or "bowling or swimming." If you prefer salad, or the library, you're out of luck!
Non-diagnosed people are rewarded for this quality; in mental health clients, on the other hand, it is often labeled "manipulativeness." This is an example of how a psychiatric label results in positive qualities being redefined negatively. Assertiveness-being able to clearly state one's wishes and to stand up for oneself-helps an individual to get what he or she wants.
#A feeling that the individual can make a difference:
Hope is an essential element in our definition. A person who is hopeful believes in the possibility of future change and improvement; without hope, it can seem pointless to make an effort. Yet mental health professionals who label their clients "incurable" or "chronic" seem at the same time to expect them to be motivated to take action and make changes in their lives, despite the overall hopelessness such labels convey.
#Learning to think critically; unlearning the conditioning; seeing things differently:
This part of the definition created the most discussion within our group, and we were unable to come up with a single phrase that encapsulated it. We believed that as part of the process of psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, clients have had their lives, their personal stories, transformed into "case histories." Therefore, part of the empowerment process is a reclaiming process for these life stories. Similarly, the empowerment process includes a reclaiming of one's sense of competence, and a recognition of the often-hidden power relationships inherent in the treatment situation. In the early stages of participation in self-help groups, for example, it is very common for members to tell one another their stories; both the act of telling and that of being listened to are important events for group members.
#Learning about and expressing anger:
Clients who express anger are often considered by professionals to be "decompensating" or "out of control." This is true even when the anger is legitimate and would be considered so when expressed by a "normal" person, and is yet another example of the way in which a positive quality becomes a negative once a person is diagnosed. Because the expression of anger has often been so restricted, it is common for clients to fear their own anger and overestimate its destructive power. Clients need opportunities to learn about anger, to express it safely, and to recognize its limits.
#Not feeling alone; feeling part of a group:
An important element in our definition is its group dimension. We believe that it is necessary to recognized that empowerment does not occur to the individual alone, but has to do with experiencing a sense of connectedness with other people. As was brought up numerous times during our discussion, we did not want to leave the impression that we considered the image of "John Wayne coming into town, fixing everything, and riding off into the sunset" to be synonymous with our definition!
#Understanding that people have rights:
The self-help movement among psychiatric survivors is part of a broader movement to establish basic legal rights. We see powerful parallels between our movement and other movements of oppressed and disadvantaged people, including racial and ethnic minorities, women, gays and lesbians, and people with disabilities. Part of all of these liberation movements has been the struggle for equal rights. Through understanding our rights, we increase our sense of strength and self-confidence.
#Effecting change in one's life and one's community:
Empowerment is about more than a "feeling" or a "sense," we see such feelings as precursors to action. When a person brings about actual change, he or she increases feelings of mastery and control. This, in turn, leads to further and more effective change. Again, we emphasized that this is not merely personal change, but has a group dimension.
#Learning skills that the individual defines as important:
Mental health professionals often complain that their clients have poor skills and cannot seem to learn new ones. At the same time, the skills that professionals define as important are often not the ones that clients themselves find interesting or important (e.g., daily bed making). When clients are given the opportunity to learn things that they want to learn, they often surprise professionals (and sometimes themselves) by being able to learn them well.
#Changing others' perceptions of one's competency and capacity to act:
If anything defines the public (and professional) perception of "mental patients," it is incompetency. People with psychiatric diagnoses are widely assumed to be unable to know their own needs or to act on them. As one becomes better able to take control of one's life, demonstrating one's essential similarity to so called "normal" people, this perception should begin to change. And the client who recognizes that he or she is earning the respect of others increases in self-confidence, thus further changing outsiders' perceptions.
#Coming out of the closet:
This is a term we have taken from the gay/lesbian movement. People with devalued social statuses who can hide that fact often (quite wisely) choose to do so. However, this decision takes its toll in the form of decreased self-esteem and fear of discovery. Individuals who reach the point where they can reveal their identity are displaying self-confidence.
#Growth and change that is never ending and self-initiated:
We wanted to emphasize in this element that empowerment is not a destination, but a journey; that no one reached a final stage in which further growth and change is unnecessary.
#Increasing one's positive self-image and overcoming stigma:
As a person becomes more empowered, he or she begins to feel more confident and capable. This, in turn, leads to increased ability to manage one's life, resulting in a still more improved self-image. The negative identity of "mental patient" that has been internalized also begins to change; the individual may discard the label entirely, or may redefine it to convey positive qualities.
30th BCS Preliminary Exam Result published on 19-10-2010
The Preliminary result of 30th BCS result has been published on 19th October by the regulatory commission Bangladesh Public Service Commission. 14 thousand and 470 candidate has been promoted for the Written Examination. The routine of the 30th written examination will be announced on the official website of the www.bpsc.gov.bd as usual.
The Examination was commenced on July 30, 2010 and 147.988 thousands candidate sat for. Among them 2.572 thousand will be appointed for the post of government service as class-one officer (gadget).
In a statement, the Controller of Examination told that 14 thousand and 470 examinee has promoted for the next written examination. But 10 results have kept withheld. It expects, the written examination would be held on December.
BCS Examination Result of 2010
কোমল পানীয় শরীরের জন্য ক্ষতিকর
বিয়ে বা যে কোন অনুষ্ঠানে ঠা-া পানীয় থাকবে না এ কথা কল্পনাই করা যায় না। ফাস্ট ফুড, কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস খাওয়া তারুণ্যের ট্রেন্ড হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। কিন্তু আমরা অনেকেই জানি না সফট ড্রিংকস বা কোমল পানীয় আমাদের স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য বেশ ক্ষতিকর।
আমরা অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই পশ্চিমা বিশ্বকে আমাদের অগ্রপথিক মনে করি কিন্তু আমরা সবাই কি জানি, আমেরিকা ও কানাডার অধিকাংশ স্কুল, কলেজ ও বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ক্যাম্পাস থেকে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস বিক্রির মেশিন বাধ্যতামূলক অপসারণ করা হয়েছে। অনেক ক্যাম্পাসে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস বিক্রিও নিষিদ্ধ। প্রতিবেশী দেশ ভারতে ল্যাবরেটরি পরীক্ষায় কয়েকটি বিশ্ব বিখ্যাত কোম্পানির কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকসে অত্যধিকমাত্রায় কীটনাশক পাওয়ায় মধ্যপ্রদেশ, গুজরাট ও কেরালায় এসব পানীয় বিক্রি নিষিদ্ধও করা হয়। ভারতে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকসের ওপর উচ্চ আদালতের নিষেধাজ্ঞা জারি হয়েছে। এসব পানীয় যে ক্ষতিকর নয়, তা ওইসব কোম্পানিকে প্রমাণ করতে বলা হয়েছে। এসব কোমল পানীয়তে কী থাকে? কোক মিক্সার বা পাউডার (কোকা পাউডার, সোডা, ফ্লেভার ইত্যাদির মিশ্রণ) ও আনুপাতিক পরিমাণ স্যাকারিন, কীটনাশক, ক্যাফেইন, রঙ, পানি। এক গ্লাস কোমল পানীয়র মধ্যে মানুষের একটি দাঁত ডুবিয়ে রেখে দেখা গেছে, ৭ থেকে ১৪ দিনের মধ্যে দাঁতটি পানীয়র মধ্যে সম্পূর্ণ গলে মিশে গিয়েছে। এসব কোমল পানীয়তে কীটনাশক মেশানো হয় এ কারণে, যাতে দীর্ঘদিন বোতলে থাকলেও পানিতে কোন ব্যাকটেরিয়া, ফাঙ্গাস, কীট বা পোকা না জন্মাতে পারে। তাছাড়া পানিতে থাকা জু-প্লাঙ্কটন ও ফাইটা প্লাঙ্কটন যেন বংশ বিস্তার করতে না পারে।
এসব পানীয় খেলে কী হয়? নাড়ির ভিতরের শ্লেষ্মাঝিলি্ল বা মিউকাস মেমব্রেন পচে যায় বা নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। নাড়ির সংকোচন-সম্প্রসারণ ক্ষমতা কমে যায় এবং খাদ্য থেকে পুষ্টি শুষে নেয়ার ক্ষমতা কমে যায়, হজম ক্ষমতা কমে যায়; বদহজম, ফুড পয়জনিং, গ্যাস্ট্রিক, ক্ষুধামন্দাসহ নানা অসুখ-বিসুখ হয়। স্থায়ী কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য হয়। অনেকের শরীরের ওজন বেড়ে ওবেসিটি হয়ে যায়।
শরীরে চর্বি বা কোলেস্টরেলের পরিমাণ বেড়ে যায়। শরীরের ক্যালসিয়াম মলিউকুল গঠন প্রক্রিয়া দুর্বল হয়ে পড়ে। হাড় দুর্বল ও নরম হয়ে যায়। নারীদের প্রজনন প্রক্রিয়ায় নতুন শিশুর হাড় গঠনে ক্যালসিয়ামের অভাব হয়, নতুন শিশু প্রয়োজনীয় ক্যালসিয়াম পায় না। বিবিসি।
এসব উপসর্গ থেকে কঠিন সব অসুখ হয়। এসব কারণে ডাক্তারের কাছে যাওয়া অবশ্যম্ভাবী হয়ে পড়ে। ফলে বিভিন্ন ডাক্তারি টেস্ট ও চিকিৎসায় প্রচুর টাকা ব্যয় হয়। এতে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস কোম্পানিগুলোর সিস্টার কনসার্ন ওষুধ কোম্পানিগুলোর প্রচুর লাভ হয়। কারণ যে সমস্যা তৈরি করে, সে-ই জানে তার ভালো সমাধান কী! বিশ্বের বৃহৎ কোমল পানীয় কোম্পানিগুলো এসব বিষয়ে ধূম্রজাল সৃষ্টির বহু চেষ্টা করেছে; কিন্তু বারবার বিভিন্ন দেশের সরকার ও আদালতের আদেশ তাদের বিপক্ষে গিয়েছে। লক্ষণীয়, তারা বারবার আদালতে গিয়েছে তৃতীয় বিশ্বের দেশে। আমেরিকা, কানাডা এবং ইউরোপে তারা আদালতে যায়নি, কেননা সেখানে ধূম্রজাল সৃষ্টির কোন সুযোগ তাদের দেয়া হয়নি। এ পানীয় কোম্পানিগুলো যেমন অর্থনৈতিকভাবে শক্তিশালী তেমনি তাদের প্রচার কৌশলও খুব সূক্ষ্ম। ফলে জনস্বাস্থ্যের ক্ষতিকর দিকের প্রচারটি খুব সহজেই ঢাকা পড়ে যায়।
আমরা অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই পশ্চিমা বিশ্বকে আমাদের অগ্রপথিক মনে করি কিন্তু আমরা সবাই কি জানি, আমেরিকা ও কানাডার অধিকাংশ স্কুল, কলেজ ও বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ক্যাম্পাস থেকে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস বিক্রির মেশিন বাধ্যতামূলক অপসারণ করা হয়েছে। অনেক ক্যাম্পাসে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস বিক্রিও নিষিদ্ধ। প্রতিবেশী দেশ ভারতে ল্যাবরেটরি পরীক্ষায় কয়েকটি বিশ্ব বিখ্যাত কোম্পানির কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকসে অত্যধিকমাত্রায় কীটনাশক পাওয়ায় মধ্যপ্রদেশ, গুজরাট ও কেরালায় এসব পানীয় বিক্রি নিষিদ্ধও করা হয়। ভারতে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকসের ওপর উচ্চ আদালতের নিষেধাজ্ঞা জারি হয়েছে। এসব পানীয় যে ক্ষতিকর নয়, তা ওইসব কোম্পানিকে প্রমাণ করতে বলা হয়েছে। এসব কোমল পানীয়তে কী থাকে? কোক মিক্সার বা পাউডার (কোকা পাউডার, সোডা, ফ্লেভার ইত্যাদির মিশ্রণ) ও আনুপাতিক পরিমাণ স্যাকারিন, কীটনাশক, ক্যাফেইন, রঙ, পানি। এক গ্লাস কোমল পানীয়র মধ্যে মানুষের একটি দাঁত ডুবিয়ে রেখে দেখা গেছে, ৭ থেকে ১৪ দিনের মধ্যে দাঁতটি পানীয়র মধ্যে সম্পূর্ণ গলে মিশে গিয়েছে। এসব কোমল পানীয়তে কীটনাশক মেশানো হয় এ কারণে, যাতে দীর্ঘদিন বোতলে থাকলেও পানিতে কোন ব্যাকটেরিয়া, ফাঙ্গাস, কীট বা পোকা না জন্মাতে পারে। তাছাড়া পানিতে থাকা জু-প্লাঙ্কটন ও ফাইটা প্লাঙ্কটন যেন বংশ বিস্তার করতে না পারে।
এসব পানীয় খেলে কী হয়? নাড়ির ভিতরের শ্লেষ্মাঝিলি্ল বা মিউকাস মেমব্রেন পচে যায় বা নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। নাড়ির সংকোচন-সম্প্রসারণ ক্ষমতা কমে যায় এবং খাদ্য থেকে পুষ্টি শুষে নেয়ার ক্ষমতা কমে যায়, হজম ক্ষমতা কমে যায়; বদহজম, ফুড পয়জনিং, গ্যাস্ট্রিক, ক্ষুধামন্দাসহ নানা অসুখ-বিসুখ হয়। স্থায়ী কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য হয়। অনেকের শরীরের ওজন বেড়ে ওবেসিটি হয়ে যায়।
শরীরে চর্বি বা কোলেস্টরেলের পরিমাণ বেড়ে যায়। শরীরের ক্যালসিয়াম মলিউকুল গঠন প্রক্রিয়া দুর্বল হয়ে পড়ে। হাড় দুর্বল ও নরম হয়ে যায়। নারীদের প্রজনন প্রক্রিয়ায় নতুন শিশুর হাড় গঠনে ক্যালসিয়ামের অভাব হয়, নতুন শিশু প্রয়োজনীয় ক্যালসিয়াম পায় না। বিবিসি।
এসব উপসর্গ থেকে কঠিন সব অসুখ হয়। এসব কারণে ডাক্তারের কাছে যাওয়া অবশ্যম্ভাবী হয়ে পড়ে। ফলে বিভিন্ন ডাক্তারি টেস্ট ও চিকিৎসায় প্রচুর টাকা ব্যয় হয়। এতে কোমল পানীয় বা এনার্জি ড্রিংকস কোম্পানিগুলোর সিস্টার কনসার্ন ওষুধ কোম্পানিগুলোর প্রচুর লাভ হয়। কারণ যে সমস্যা তৈরি করে, সে-ই জানে তার ভালো সমাধান কী! বিশ্বের বৃহৎ কোমল পানীয় কোম্পানিগুলো এসব বিষয়ে ধূম্রজাল সৃষ্টির বহু চেষ্টা করেছে; কিন্তু বারবার বিভিন্ন দেশের সরকার ও আদালতের আদেশ তাদের বিপক্ষে গিয়েছে। লক্ষণীয়, তারা বারবার আদালতে গিয়েছে তৃতীয় বিশ্বের দেশে। আমেরিকা, কানাডা এবং ইউরোপে তারা আদালতে যায়নি, কেননা সেখানে ধূম্রজাল সৃষ্টির কোন সুযোগ তাদের দেয়া হয়নি। এ পানীয় কোম্পানিগুলো যেমন অর্থনৈতিকভাবে শক্তিশালী তেমনি তাদের প্রচার কৌশলও খুব সূক্ষ্ম। ফলে জনস্বাস্থ্যের ক্ষতিকর দিকের প্রচারটি খুব সহজেই ঢাকা পড়ে যায়।
Fundamental Rights in The Constitution of Bangladesh
According to the constitution of the people's republic of Bangladesh
Article 26: Laws inconsistent with fundamental rights to be void .
Article 27: Equality before law.
Article 28: Discrimination on grounds of religion, etc.
Article 29. Equality of opportunity in public employment .
Article 30: Prohibition of foreign titles, etc .
Article 31: Right to protection of law.
Article 32: Protection of right to life and personal liberty .
Article 33: Safeguards as to arrest and detention.
Article 34: Prohibition of forced labour .
Article 35: Protection in respect of trial and punishment .
Article 36: Freedom of movement .
Article 37: Freedom of assembly.
Article 38: Freedom of association.
Article 39: Freedom of thought and conscience, and of speech.
Article 40: Freedom of profession or occupation.
Article 41: Freedom of religion.
Article 42: Rights to property .
Article 43: Protection of home and correspondence .
Article 44: Enforcement of fundamental rights.
Article 45: Modification of rights in respect of disciplinary.
Article 46: Power to provide indemnity .
Article 47: Saving for certain laws.
Article 47A: In applicability of certain article.
If you want to know more about the rights , click Here or Here
Practice Application Form Of DU
Application Form(GCE A-Level/Others and SSC before 2005)
(Fillup the form in full correctly and press button)
(Fillup the form in full correctly and press button)
Select Education Board |
Bangladesh Standard Education Board (HSC, SSC or Equivalent) Exam Particulars(Applicable only for students passed SSC before 2005) | |
HSC/Equivalent Exam particulars | |
Board | |
Roll No | |
Passing Year | |
SSC/Equivalent Exam particulars | |
Board | |
Roll No | |
Passing Year | |
Important!! | |
Full Name | (Name as in your SSC/O-Level/A-Level Certificate) |
Father's Name | (Father Name as in your SSC/O-Level/A-Level Certificate) |
Mother's Name | (Mother Name as in your SSC/O-Level/A-Level Certificate) |
Date of Birth | - - (as in your O-level/A-level or Equivalent certificate) |
Gender | FemaleMale |
Telephone/Mobile Number | |
A-Level/Equivalent Exam Particulars | |
A-Level/Equivalent Passing Year | |
Student Id/Exam Roll | |
A-Level/Equivalent Education Board | |
Group(If appilicable) | (e.g., Science, Humanities,Business etc) |
Subject 1 (title) | Grade |
Subject 2 (title) | Grade |
Subject 3 (title) | Grade |
Subject 4 (title) | Grade |
Subject 5 (title) | Grade |
Subject 6 (title) | Grade |
O-Level/Equivalent Exam Particulars | |
O-Level/Equivalent Passing Year | |
Student Id/Exam Roll | |
O-Level/Equivalent Education Board | |
Group(If appilicable) | (e.g., Science, Humanities,Business etc) |
Subject 1 (title) | Grade |
Subject 2 (title) | Grade |
Subject 3 (title) | Grade |
Subject 4 (title) | Grade |
Subject 5 (title) | Grade |
Subject 6 (title) | Grade |
Important!! | |
| |
Apply for admission
Dhaka-University Admission Instruction
Deadline:14 Oct 2010
Study Level: Under Graduate Details : Applications are invited in the prescribed Form from eligible students to take Bachelor Degree in Dhaka University in session 2010-2011 of all (six) units (KA, KHA, GA, GHA & Cha). The preliminary application forms for admission to First Year Honors at the University of Dhaka for the academic year 2009-2010 of all four units (KA, KHA, GA, GHA & Cha) can be obtained from the university campus from 27-10-2010 to 14-10-2010 on cash payment of TK. 300 per form.
KA Unit -- For Students of Science & Agricultural Science groups only. - The students who have passed H.S.C. in Science group or Agricultural Science group or Alim in Science group under Madrasa Education Board, and have a GPA totaling at least 8.00 (excluding fourth/additional subject) in their S.S.C. and H.S.C. or equivalent examinations are eligible to apply for admission..
- All Departments of the Faculties of Science, Biological Science, Pharmacy faculty, Earth & Environment Science and Engineering of Dhaka University are in this unit.
KHA Unit -- For Students of Humanities group only
- The students who have passed H.S.C. or equivalent examinations, or Alim under Madrasa Education Board in Humanities group, and have a GPA totaling at least 7.0 (excluding fourth/additional subject) in their S.S.C. and H.S.C. or equivalent examinations are eligible to apply for admission.
- At least 2 Humanities group subjects had in HSC and equivalents examination.
- All Departments of the Faculties of Arts, Social Sciences, and Law, the Department of Geography and Environment under the Faculty of Science, the Departments of Psychology under the Faculty of Biological Science, and Departments of Social Welfare under Institute of Social Welfare and Research are in this unit.
GA Unit:--
- The students of Business Education or Diploma in Commerce and Business Management who have passed H.S.C. or equivalent examinations and have a GPA totaling at least 7.50 (excluding fourth or additional subject) in their S.S.C. and H.S.C. or equivalent examinations are eligible to apply for admission.
- Students from Diploma in Commerce or Business Management must have a GP of at least 3.00 in Accounting at the HSC. level.
- Only all Departments of the Faculty of Business Studies are in this unit
GHA Unit: Transfer Unit -- For students of all groups mentioned in KA, KHA, and GA.
- The departments/Institutes in which the applicants can apply for admission under this transfer unit are enumerated in the admission guide of GHA unit.
- The students who have passed HSC. or equivalent examinations, or Alim under Madrasa Education Board in Humanities group, and have total GPA at least 7.0 (excluding fourth/additional subject) in their S.S.C. and HSC. or equivalent examinations are eligible to apply for admission.
- The students of Science, Agricultural Science, and Home Economics groups and Alim under Madrasa Education Board falling under KA Unit must have total GPA at least 8.00 (excluding fourth/additional subject) in their SSC. and HSC. or equivalent examinations.
- The students of Business Education, Diploma in Commerce and Business Management falling under GA Unit must have total GPA at least 7.50 (excluding fourth/additional subject) in their SSC. and HSC. or equivalent examinations.
- The students must have total GPA at least 6.0 in Bengali and English in their HSC. or equivalent examinations. But GP below 3.0 in any subject is not acceptable.
- For additional information see prospectus.
CHA Unit -- For students of Fine Arts group only.
- The students who have passed H.S.C. or equivalent examinations and have a GPA totaling at least 6.50 (excluding fourth or additional subject) in their S.S.C. and H.S.C. or equivalent examinations are eligible to apply for admission, others criteria will be mentioned on prospectus.
- All Departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts are in this unit.
Some General Rules (Applicable for all Units)
- All applicants must fulfill the criteria set by the concerned Units and Departments/Institutes.
- G.C.E. Students: Students who have passed at least 5 subjects at the O Level Examinations, and at least 2 subjects at the A level examinations on 2009/2010, and out of these seven subjects, have at least B grade in 3 subjects and C grade in 4 subjects are eligible to apply.
Admission under Quota:
- Any student willing to be considered for admission under Ward Quota, Indigenous/Ethnic Quota, Blind Quota or Freedom Fighter(s) Children Quota must indicate the relevant quota in the preliminary application form, and submit with the form the required documents as proof of eligibility for the concerned quota.
- In the case of Ward Quota, certificate from the concerned Chairman/Director/Office head of the Department /Institute/Office of Dhaka University; for the Freedom Fighter(s) Children Quota certificate from the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs; for Indigenous/Ethnic Quota, certificate from the concerned Tribal Chief or Divisional Commissioner must be submitted with the primary application form to the concerned Unit office.
Dates of Admission Tests
- Ka Unit : 05.11.2010
- Kha Unit : 29.10.2010
- Ga Unit : 26.11.2010
- Gha Unit : 03.12.2010
- Cha Unit : 10.12.2010
Please see Details
Dhaka University Web: www.admission.univdhaka.edu/
Guidlines of DU admission
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Share Bazaar Bangladesh
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Our Duties To Cope With The GreenHouse Effects
To cope with the these changes and impacts, we can take two types of strategies--1 structural strategy and 2 diminution strategy.
Structural strategy :
1.building new dams on the banks of rivers and on the coasts and amendment of present barrages to prevent silty water.
2.surrounding all low-land areas and shelters.
3.raising height of present roads and streets and proper repairing of bridges and culverts.
4.planting more trees to reduce temperature and for environmental development.
Diminution strategy :
1.reducing greenhouse gases nationally and internationally with global awareness .
2.modern technology that emits greenhouse gases should be ban.
3.discovering alternative energy sources leaving coal and fossil fuel.
4.preventing deforestation and trend.
5.writing policy for the prevention of carbon-dioxide and for the creation of oxygen.
6.participating with all organizations on climate and environment.
Structural strategy :
1.building new dams on the banks of rivers and on the coasts and amendment of present barrages to prevent silty water.
2.surrounding all low-land areas and shelters.
3.raising height of present roads and streets and proper repairing of bridges and culverts.
4.planting more trees to reduce temperature and for environmental development.
Diminution strategy :
1.reducing greenhouse gases nationally and internationally with global awareness .
2.modern technology that emits greenhouse gases should be ban.
3.discovering alternative energy sources leaving coal and fossil fuel.
4.preventing deforestation and trend.
5.writing policy for the prevention of carbon-dioxide and for the creation of oxygen.
6.participating with all organizations on climate and environment.
Effects Of Greenhouse Gases On Bangladesh
The most dangerous prediction about the effects of Greenhouse Gases on Bangladesh is mentioned bellow:
"In the absence of effort to cut greenhouse gas emission, sea level will rise between 10 to 30 cm by the year 2930 and by 30 to 100 cm by the end of the next century."[1]
" The low lying developing countries are most vulnerable to such threats of which Bangladesh would be among the worst victims. The average height of the country is estimated to be only 7.6 meters above the sea level. A three feet rise in sea level would inundate 11 percent of the country's land area."[2]
In 1992, the "Earth Summit" at Rio de janeiro , Brazil, enlisted the countries who will be victim of global warming under the consideration of their gradual risk where Bangladesh was in the highest risk countries.
Possible impacts on Bangladesh :
The potential impacts of climate change on key sectors in Bangladesh is following--
Sea level rise :
The biggest problem for Bangladesh is the rising sea level and in consequences saltiness will cover more ares of land.
Impact on water resources :
water related impacts of climate change will likely be the most critical for Bangladesh largely related to coastal and reverie flooding.
Impact on ecosystem :
one of the likely adverse impacts of climate change is the loss of the Sundarbans which are the coastal mangroves that stradle the coasts of western Bangladesh and neighboring India. A 45 cm sea level rise would inundate 75% of the Sundarbans , and 67 cm sea level rise could inundate all of the system.
Damages of coastal dams :
At present, There are 58 polder dams in the coastal areas. For rising sea level, these dams will be damaged and useless.
Impact on agriculture :
With over 35% of Bangladeshis suffering from malnourishment, the threat of increased hunger from reduction in agricultural production would suggest the inclusion of agriculture as one of the major vulnerabilities facing the country.
Droughts & floods :
Ironically, changes in the climate due to excess greenhouse gases are causing both increased drought and increased flooding.
our duties to cope with the changes
References :
1.UNCR, Environment and social dimension of development and management, research report series, japan 1994.
2.Environment and development in Bangladesh, Rahman,A,A, Bangladesh center for advanced studies, Dhaka 1990.
3.Development and climate change in Bangladesh
"In the absence of effort to cut greenhouse gas emission, sea level will rise between 10 to 30 cm by the year 2930 and by 30 to 100 cm by the end of the next century."[1]
" The low lying developing countries are most vulnerable to such threats of which Bangladesh would be among the worst victims. The average height of the country is estimated to be only 7.6 meters above the sea level. A three feet rise in sea level would inundate 11 percent of the country's land area."[2]
In 1992, the "Earth Summit" at Rio de janeiro , Brazil, enlisted the countries who will be victim of global warming under the consideration of their gradual risk where Bangladesh was in the highest risk countries.
Possible impacts on Bangladesh :
The potential impacts of climate change on key sectors in Bangladesh is following--
Sea level rise :
The biggest problem for Bangladesh is the rising sea level and in consequences saltiness will cover more ares of land.
Impact on water resources :
water related impacts of climate change will likely be the most critical for Bangladesh largely related to coastal and reverie flooding.
Impact on ecosystem :
one of the likely adverse impacts of climate change is the loss of the Sundarbans which are the coastal mangroves that stradle the coasts of western Bangladesh and neighboring India. A 45 cm sea level rise would inundate 75% of the Sundarbans , and 67 cm sea level rise could inundate all of the system.
Damages of coastal dams :
At present, There are 58 polder dams in the coastal areas. For rising sea level, these dams will be damaged and useless.
Impact on agriculture :
With over 35% of Bangladeshis suffering from malnourishment, the threat of increased hunger from reduction in agricultural production would suggest the inclusion of agriculture as one of the major vulnerabilities facing the country.
Droughts & floods :
Ironically, changes in the climate due to excess greenhouse gases are causing both increased drought and increased flooding.
our duties to cope with the changes
References :
1.UNCR, Environment and social dimension of development and management, research report series, japan 1994.
2.Environment and development in Bangladesh, Rahman,A,A, Bangladesh center for advanced studies, Dhaka 1990.
3.Development and climate change in Bangladesh
Potentiality & Duties For tourism Development In Bangladesh
Tourism is a sector of economic source is a recent idea. Tourism introduced in Bangladesh area in 1960s. The government of Bangladesh formed Bangladesh parjaton sonstha (Bangladesh tourist organization) subsequently of independence. In 1973, government of Bangladesh transformed it into Bangladesh Parjoton Corporation to develop tourism sector. Later, tourism policy was introduced in 1992 and tourism was declared as industry in 1999 in Bangladesh.
To make Bangladesh popular for the tourists , the programmee of country branding has started. On December, 2008, the logo of country branding and heme "Beautiful Bangladesh" were inaugurated. Bangladesh Parjoton Corporation has planned the programmee of "Country Branding For Bangladesh" sponsored by Banglalink, a non-governmental mobile phone company. Yet, some duties to develop tourism industry in Bangladesh are stated bellow.
Teaching on tourism :
To develop tourism industry , various courses on tourism can be introduced.For example, diploma, higher diploma, honors, masters and certificate courses.
Propaganda :
To attract foreign visitors, propaganda should be introduced with the help of several embassies. Tourism fair, seminar, symposium can be held on giving currency to the foreigners.
Encouraging local people :
Local people should be encouraged on tourism.Because, they can play an important role to develop the industry in tourists area.
Increasing facilities :
More and more facilities have to be increased for local and foreign visitors.
Appreciating private initiative :
To develop tourism industry, private entrepreneurs should be promoted by the government. For example, fantasy kingdom, Nandan park, sufery park.
Training the concerned stuffs :
Tourism stuffs should be trained on tourism. Therefore, including organizations can arrange "Training Programmee" for their stuffs.
Come out of religious orthodox :
It is important to come out from religious orthodox to develop tourism industry in Bangladesh properly.
Actually, tourism development depends on various elements. Availability of these elements accelerates tourism.For example, nature, culture, archaeology, historical relics, residential hotels, security, entertainment and specially the five "s" of English letters ,namely snow, sea, sun, sand, and sex.
To make Bangladesh popular for the tourists , the programmee of country branding has started. On December, 2008, the logo of country branding and heme "Beautiful Bangladesh" were inaugurated. Bangladesh Parjoton Corporation has planned the programmee of "Country Branding For Bangladesh" sponsored by Banglalink, a non-governmental mobile phone company. Yet, some duties to develop tourism industry in Bangladesh are stated bellow.
Teaching on tourism :
To develop tourism industry , various courses on tourism can be introduced.For example, diploma, higher diploma, honors, masters and certificate courses.
Propaganda :
To attract foreign visitors, propaganda should be introduced with the help of several embassies. Tourism fair, seminar, symposium can be held on giving currency to the foreigners.
Encouraging local people :
Local people should be encouraged on tourism.Because, they can play an important role to develop the industry in tourists area.
Increasing facilities :
More and more facilities have to be increased for local and foreign visitors.
Appreciating private initiative :
To develop tourism industry, private entrepreneurs should be promoted by the government. For example, fantasy kingdom, Nandan park, sufery park.
Training the concerned stuffs :
Tourism stuffs should be trained on tourism. Therefore, including organizations can arrange "Training Programmee" for their stuffs.
Come out of religious orthodox :
It is important to come out from religious orthodox to develop tourism industry in Bangladesh properly.
Actually, tourism development depends on various elements. Availability of these elements accelerates tourism.For example, nature, culture, archaeology, historical relics, residential hotels, security, entertainment and specially the five "s" of English letters ,namely snow, sea, sun, sand, and sex.
Problem Of Tourism Development In Bangladesh
The following barriers can be traced for why tourism industry can not develop in Bangladesh properly.
Lack of preservation :
The value and importance of archaeological sites is decreasing for the of preservation. There is a saying in Bagura about Bashu Bihar that Gautom Buddha came there. But, for lack of proper conservation, it is losing its importance.
Undeveloped transportation :
Air-way, water-way and land route are not developed in our country. If somebody want to go from Bagura to Dhaka by air-way, he can not do. because, there also have some barriers for our geographical structure ; for what we can not develop our transportation facilities available.yet, our neighboring country ,India, have excellent transport facilities. For example;Rajdhani express reaches from Calcutta to Delhi within 17 hours in which other expresses take 32 hours.
Crisis of residence & security :
The tourists are being discouraged for political violence - hartal, strike, roberry etc. But neighboring Nepal where the European travelers can do cycling around the areas of guerrillas. Because, they think it as their economic source of the country.On the other hand, residential & security facilities are not sufficient in Bangladesh.
Weak management :
weak management is one of the main barriers of tourism development in Bangladesh.Trained guides & stuffs, proper initiative, facility of sensitive products are not sufficient in Bangladesh. citizen charter is not maintained.most of the archaeological sites is not stated.
Mentality :
Sometimes, it is noticed in rural areas that foreigners face adverse situation there. Children walk around them.this happens since the foreigners merely visit rural areas. Besides, foreigners do not get the facilities of wine, whiskey, sex and so on.
These are the main obstacles to develop our tourism industry in Bangladesh.
Lack of preservation :
The value and importance of archaeological sites is decreasing for the of preservation. There is a saying in Bagura about Bashu Bihar that Gautom Buddha came there. But, for lack of proper conservation, it is losing its importance.
Undeveloped transportation :
Air-way, water-way and land route are not developed in our country. If somebody want to go from Bagura to Dhaka by air-way, he can not do. because, there also have some barriers for our geographical structure ; for what we can not develop our transportation facilities available.yet, our neighboring country ,India, have excellent transport facilities. For example;Rajdhani express reaches from Calcutta to Delhi within 17 hours in which other expresses take 32 hours.
Crisis of residence & security :
The tourists are being discouraged for political violence - hartal, strike, roberry etc. But neighboring Nepal where the European travelers can do cycling around the areas of guerrillas. Because, they think it as their economic source of the country.On the other hand, residential & security facilities are not sufficient in Bangladesh.
Weak management :
weak management is one of the main barriers of tourism development in Bangladesh.Trained guides & stuffs, proper initiative, facility of sensitive products are not sufficient in Bangladesh. citizen charter is not maintained.most of the archaeological sites is not stated.
Mentality :
Sometimes, it is noticed in rural areas that foreigners face adverse situation there. Children walk around them.this happens since the foreigners merely visit rural areas. Besides, foreigners do not get the facilities of wine, whiskey, sex and so on.
These are the main obstacles to develop our tourism industry in Bangladesh.
Tourism Attraction Of Bangladesh
The tourists attraction of Bangladesh can be divided into the following:
Natural beauties :
Sundarbans, beaches, hills, islands, coasts, forests, jungle, extensive marshes, swamps, and so on.
Archaeological sites :
world war second cemetery, Mahasthangarh, Mainamati, Paharpur Buddha Bihar, Sitakunda and so on.
Religious sites :
mosque, temple, & pagoda of old and medieval period, Hindu temple , sixty-dome mosque, Sri Chaitanya temple and etc.
Cultural attraction :
lifestyle of general people, tribal cultures, hospitality,friendly manner, Pohela bayshake, 21 st February and so on.
Natural beauties :
Sundarbans, beaches, hills, islands, coasts, forests, jungle, extensive marshes, swamps, and so on.
Archaeological sites :
world war second cemetery, Mahasthangarh, Mainamati, Paharpur Buddha Bihar, Sitakunda and so on.
Religious sites :
mosque, temple, & pagoda of old and medieval period, Hindu temple , sixty-dome mosque, Sri Chaitanya temple and etc.
Cultural attraction :
lifestyle of general people, tribal cultures, hospitality,friendly manner, Pohela bayshake, 21 st February and so on.
History Of Tourism In Bangladesh
The earliest forms of leisure tourism can be identified as far back as the Babylonian & Egyptian empires. A museum of "Historic Antiquities" was open to the public in the sixth century B.C. in Babylon, while Egyptian held many religious festivals attracting not only the devout, but many who came to see the famous buildings and works of art in the cities. The local towns accommodated tourists by providing services such as ; vendors of food & drink, guides, hawkers of souvenirs,touts and prostitute.From around the same date,Greek tourists travelled to visit the sites of healing gods.
In the past, the system of tourism was not as like as present.In the medieval time, tourists went from one empire to another and would receive hospitality of the Kings in royal places. They also received many gifts from the kings and would give them. The kings sent gifts to other kings through the tourists to increase their dignity and honor.For example; ibn Batu ta who received many gifts from the kings of subcontinent and praised one to another.
So the kings became encouraged and would give tourists much wealth, property & gifts and adorned with various tittles. There were many people in a mountain pass named "Khaibar" who would bartered commercial gifts with the tourists.
In 2007, the number of the travelers was 90.3 core in the world. According to WTO ( world tourism organization ), the number of the travelers will go over than 100 core within 2010 and it will reach 160 core within 2020.
In the past, the system of tourism was not as like as present.In the medieval time, tourists went from one empire to another and would receive hospitality of the Kings in royal places. They also received many gifts from the kings and would give them. The kings sent gifts to other kings through the tourists to increase their dignity and honor.For example; ibn Batu ta who received many gifts from the kings of subcontinent and praised one to another.
So the kings became encouraged and would give tourists much wealth, property & gifts and adorned with various tittles. There were many people in a mountain pass named "Khaibar" who would bartered commercial gifts with the tourists.
In 2007, the number of the travelers was 90.3 core in the world. According to WTO ( world tourism organization ), the number of the travelers will go over than 100 core within 2010 and it will reach 160 core within 2020.
Bangladesh History And Nature
Bangladesh is a land of unique natural beauty & diverse culture.For its strategic geographical position in South Asia the land was explored by hundreds of explorers from time immemorial and revealed to the world as a place of wealth & prosperity. History tells many colonial powers came to this land being attracted by its world-renowned wealth & resources.Finally Britishers came and laid the foundation stone of the British rule in the name of east-India company which refers to this land.
With an area of 1,47570 sq the country is the largest delta in the world, created by the plains mighty Ganges & Brahmaputra. Both these rivers flow the Himalayas, contain silts and fall into the Bay of Bengal , which contributes fine sandy beaches. On the way down to the Bay, hundreds of rivers ,Cris-cross the surface and render the land magically beautiful by its riverine network.
The innate hospitality of the people of Bangladesh is known to the world.Smiling faces of the people always welcomes the visitors from all around the world. This is typically of Bangladeshi edition which represents the true Asian hospitality , associated with emotions & cares. Nobody would leave a home without being entertained with foods, drinks, and smiles. This is Bangladesh; the country has just started to enter the world market with exotic tourism products & services.
With an area of 1,47570 sq the country is the largest delta in the world, created by the plains mighty Ganges & Brahmaputra. Both these rivers flow the Himalayas, contain silts and fall into the Bay of Bengal , which contributes fine sandy beaches. On the way down to the Bay, hundreds of rivers ,Cris-cross the surface and render the land magically beautiful by its riverine network.
The innate hospitality of the people of Bangladesh is known to the world.Smiling faces of the people always welcomes the visitors from all around the world. This is typically of Bangladeshi edition which represents the true Asian hospitality , associated with emotions & cares. Nobody would leave a home without being entertained with foods, drinks, and smiles. This is Bangladesh; the country has just started to enter the world market with exotic tourism products & services.
SSC/Dakhil Exams Result 2010 published
The results of the examination of SSC, Dakhil, SSC(Vocational) in 2010 have been published in the date of 15 may, 2010. As many as 1200,975 students -- 625,553 boys and 575,422 girls -- appeared in this year's SSC and equivalent examinations and 960,492 of them passed. Pass percentage for boys and girls is 81.84 and 77.95 respectively. Some 240,483 examinees failed.

You can get your result directly from the website of Bangladesh education board in your E-mail address. To get the result in your E-mail address, you have to register your E-mail in the site bellow:www.educationboard.gov.bd
To register your E-mail address from mobilephone, write Reg(Dha,Chi,Raj,Jes,Com,Syl,Bar,Mad,Voc)roll numberE-mail address amd send to 16222.
You also can get your result with the mobile phone .To have this facility , you have to send SMS from your Banglalink, Gremeen, Aktel, Teletalk, Warid, and citycell mobile phone to the number16222.
Write Reg first three digits of board Roll number send to 16222.
Reg Dha 30232 =16222
The first three digits of all board are Dha, Chi, Raj, Jes, Com, Syl, Bar, Mad, and Voc.
Besides, you can see your result directly in the website bellow on the day of result publication :
You can get your result directly from the website of Bangladesh education board in your E-mail address. To get the result in your E-mail address, you have to register your E-mail in the site bellow:www.educationboard.gov.bd
To register your E-mail address from mobilephone, write Reg
You also can get your result with the mobile phone .To have this facility , you have to send SMS from your Banglalink, Gremeen, Aktel, Teletalk, Warid, and citycell mobile phone to the number16222.
Write Reg
Reg Dha 30232 =16222
The first three digits of all board are Dha, Chi, Raj, Jes, Com, Syl, Bar, Mad, and Voc.
Besides, you can see your result directly in the website bellow on the day of result publication :
South Asian Games 2010 in Dhaka ; Bangladesh
Dhaka 29 January 2010 on Friday , Shiekh Hasina ,Bangladesh Prime minister , declared the Games open after a three -and -a half hour colorful inaugural ceremony at Bangabandhu National Stadium (BNS) here.
Bangladesh are hosting the event for the third time after staging the 1985 and 1993 editions when the Games were called South Asian Federation (SAF) Games.
In the morning, the national flags of eight participating countries were hoisted at the SAARC Fountain at Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue.
Commonwealth Games gold winning shooter Asif Hossain Khan carried the Bangladesh national flag in the opening ceremony.
Besides hosts Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, the Maldives and Afghanistan are taking part in the Games, that will be one of the largest ever. Nearly 1,800 athletes are competing in 23 disciplines in the 12-day event.
Regional powerhouse India will look to show their supermacy among the eight participating nations. In the last Games at Colombo, India bagged 118 gold, 69 silver and 47 bronze medals taking their total tally to 234.
The competitions will take place at 19 venues spread over Dhaka, Sylhet, Khulna, Rajshahi and Chittagong.
Bangladesh is fielding the biggest contingent of 453 participants followed by Nepal’s 430. India has sent a contingent of 331 members. However, India is not participating in the under-21 Twenty20 cricket that has been introduced in the Games for the first time.
India will be strong contenders in most of the disciplines. Swimming, shooting, athletics are the events expected to fetch maximum medals for India.
The Indian lifters have also been cleared to participate after the national federation paid $50,000 as the first instalment of their $500,000 fine imposed by International Weightlifting Federation for the positive dope tests.
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